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Who should pay for Bridesmaid dresses?

Who should pay for Bridesmaid dresses?

Selecting your bridesmaids marks a major milestone in your wedding planning adventure. These cherished individuals, your sisters, best friends, and chosen family, will be there, steadfastly supporting and showering you with love as you take the plunge into marriage. Yet, their contributions go beyond just emotional support; they're investing their time and a significant amount of money into making your big day as special as can be.

Photo: Jennifer Oliphant

Traditionally, in the UK, it has been customary for the bride to take on the responsibility of covering the costs associated with bridesmaid dresses. This tradition aligns with the idea that the bride, as the central figure of the celebration, facilitates a cohesive and visually harmonious bridal party.

In modern times, wedding dynamics have evolved, and couples often face budgetary constraints, prompting a re-evaluation of traditional norms. While the bride traditionally covers the cost, it has become increasingly acceptable for brides to have open discussions with their bridesmaids about shared financial responsibilities.
Photo: Joe Skingle 
Encouraging open and honest communication is not just a tip, it's a golden rule when it comes to managing wedding costs. Regardless of the financial arrangement you settle on, transparent communication is paramount. This applies to conversations with your bridesmaids, your partner, your family, your vendors, basically, anyone involved in the wedding planning process. Initiate discussions about your hopes and expectations early and frequently to steer clear of misunderstandings or unexpected surprises.
Photo: Gui Jorge 
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